Masters studies in most of the Universities in India have a component of hands on training at various research institutes. As this has been made mandatory by most of the Universities recently, NARI has taken an initiative to incorporate continued training program for meritorious students of various Universities from all over India. National AIDS Research Institute (NARI) Pune invites applications from the eligible candidates pursuing M.Sc in any branch of Life Sciences/ MA Social sciences /M.Pharma/ MSW / B.E. / B.Tech. / M.B.B.S and in Penultimate year of their degree, to undertake Short Term project as a part of their course curriculum at this Institute.
NARI is working in the field of most difficult disease AIDS and the related disorders. NARI focuses on multiple aspects of HIV disease and its biomedical and social implications. The institute’s research activities keep persistent focus on the prevention, care and support for HIV/AIDS patients. Various clinical trials, HIV drug resistance testing, characterization of Indian HIV viruses including full length genome sequencing, neutralizing antibody studies, multiple hybridization assays etc. are the other areas with the state of art instrumentation for research and diagnostics. The institute holds a premier position in external quality assessment programs. The institute also extends its area of activity into behavioral and social assessment and epidemiological surveys
Training Details
For training, we entertain applications in seven departments at NARI (Epidemiology & Biostatistics; Clinical Sciences; Immunology & Serology; Molecular Virology; Microbiology & Clinical Pathology; Social & Behavioral Sciences, Pharmacy). Students are encouraged to visit individual department’s links on NARI site for further information and details.
Training period : July 2010 to Dec 2010
Application submission deadline : 1st-March-2010 to 30th-April-2010
List of selected candidates on website : Last week of May 2010
* Candidates should be pursuing their Masters / Bachelors level course in the disciplines specified in the application form and in the final year of their degree.
* Students who have secured first class in all qualifying examinations starting from 10th standard only will be considered.
* Students are encouraged to submit their advance applications electronically. Application will not be accepted as hard copies and in person. A forwarding / Recommendation letter by Head of the Department / Institution is require at the time of joining along with a hard copy of the application.
* Incomplete applications, application received after the date of application deadline and those not fulfilling the specified criteria will be rejected. * Selection of the candidates will be on all India basis.
* The selected candidates are expected to complete their project in the placement period. The length of training will not be less than three months.
* Project training will be considered as full time activity and any part time/irregular/sub-optimal attendance will not be accepted.
* Applications to individual department or scientist will not be entertained.
* There is no provision for stipend or accommodation for the period of training.
* Not more than two applications will be accepted for consideration from one institute or college.
* Any publication originating from the work done at NARI, should seek Director NARI’s consent ahead of communication.
* Applications receive before or after the given dates will automatically be deleted.
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