HYDERABAD - 500 085
Admissions will be made to Full Time / External Ph.D Research Programmes offered by the J.N.T. University Hyderabad in the following faculties.
1. PhD :
Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacogonosy and allied fields.
Candidates who are working in a well equipped Educational / Scientific / R&D / Industrial / Governmental Organisations and in Colleges affiliated to the Universities and engaged in Scientific / Technological / Engineering / Managerial activities, as the case may be, are eligible for admission as external candidates and shall continue to work in their own organizations. Faculty members of the J.N.T. University Hyderabad and its constituent colleges shall be admitted as internal candidates.
Candidates working in colleges affiliated to the universities are eligible, provided
(i) the place of research work is either the institution in which they are working or the constituent college / unit of the university, where necessary facilities are available.
(ii) The Research Supervisor is either from JNT University Hyderabad or from any recognized institution / organisation.
(iii) If the Supervisor is from outside JNTUH, then a Co-Supervisor from JNTUH is compulsory.
IV. SUPERVISOR (for External Registration) :
1. Candidates applying for External Ph.D. may identify and suggest the Supervisor. An acceptance letter as per the proforma given should be attached. The suggested Supervisor may not be allocated. However the allotment is finalized by University authorization.
- Professors, Asso. Professors and Asst. Professor of JNT University Hyderabad who possess, a Ph.D. degree, a minimum of five years of academic / research experience and published atleast 2 referred Journal papers and 2 reviewed Conference papers, to their credit, will be deemed as Supervisors.
- Persons working in Educational / Scientific / Industrial / Governmental Organisations, who possess a Ph.D. degree, a minimum of five years of academic / research experience and published atleast 2 referred Journal papers and 2 reviewed Conference papers, to their credit, will be deemed as external supervisors.
- Candidates may have either Internal or External Supervisors.
- In the case of interdisciplinary areas of research, a co-supervisor may also be permitted in addition to the supervisor, provided the supervisor and co-supervisor are from different disciplines.
- Candidate must enclose biodata of the proposed supervisor(s) and evidence to show that he/she satisfies the qualifications laid down. They must enclose attested copies of the degree certificates of the supervisor(s).
- The candidate concerned area is not offered by any recognized guide of the candidate admission may not be permitted or he may be permitted to change the area.
PLAN OF RESEARCH WORK (for External Registation) :
Candidates must submit, along with their application form, a well conceived plan of research work, with evidence of having initiated a preliminary study (at least 500 words).
In the case of external candidates, working in their organizations, details regarding the availability of the required research facilities at the place of work must be given. The place of work must be recognised by the University before the application for admission is considered.
External candidates working in their own organizations must produce, from the Head of the Organisation, a Certificate of “No Objection” for the candidate to take up the Research work, and permission for the supervisor from the university to visit the organization periodically to monitor and assess the work of the candidate.
VII. NO. OF SEATS: No. of Seats are given in Annexure - I
- VIII. MODE OF SELECTION : Based on Entrance Examination and Interview.
- An entrance examination is of 100 multiple choice questions.
- Duration of entrance examination is 2 hours.
- Minimum qualifying marks are 25% for SC/ST candidates and 40% for others.
- The date of entrance examination, time table and entrance examination syllabus will be intimated through web site to the eligible candidates and details will be displayed in JNTUH website www.jntuh.ac.in.
Interview will be conducted for the candidates qualified in the
- Entrance examination conducted by JNTUH, Hyderabad.
- The candidates who qualify the NET / SLET need not write the written test however they should be through in the interview process.
Candidates must collect their Hall Tickets, from the Director, Admissions, JNT University Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad one day prior to the examination and no further correspondence will be made in this matter.
IX. Candidates who are qualified in Entrance Test must appear before the admission committee for an interview at Hyderabad at their own cost. The date and time of interview will be as displayed in JNTUH website www.jntuh.ac.in. No separate intimation.
The University reserves the right to cancel admission / registration of any candidate to the research programme at any stage if it is noticed that the data furnished / certificates enclosed are incorrect.
In case of any disputes concerning admissions to the courses of JNT University Hyderabad, the jurisdiction shall remain with the Courts or Consumer forum in Hyderabad only.
Tentative Vacancies: These vacancies are calculated considering the vacancies at the eligible Supervisor’s of the respective departments of Universities. Each Supervisor can Supervise (guide) only eight candidates including Full Time, External and Internal registration. These No. of vacancies may vary as the Supervisor from outside JNTUH may also be included (if found suitable). However if the Supervisor is from outside JNTUH, then an Internal Supervisor from JNTUH is compulsory.
Sl. No. Faculty Full Time (*) External
13. Pharmaceutical Sciences 02 01
* These vacancies are vacancies for which JNTUH will provide stipend. If other scholarship candidate’s are willing, admission may be provided subject to vacancies at Supervisor.
X. FEE :
On selection for admission, candidates shall be required to pay the prescribed admission fee Rs. 200/- and the Registration fee of Rs. 20,000/- per annum for External Research Programme and for Rs. 10,000/- per annum for Full Time Research Programmes. Thereafter the fee has to be paid every semester till the successful completion of the programme and submission of thesis or cancellation of the admission which ever the case may be.
FELLOWSHIP: Candidates selected for the Full Time Ph.D. Research Programme shall be granted a consolidated fellowship of Rs. 8000/- p.m. for a maximum period of 3 years. The fellowship may be enhanced to Rs. 10,000/- during the third year based on the progress of research work. The candidates who are joining with stiphend from JNTUH should execute a bond stating that “The stiphend will be refunded if he fails to complete his Ph.D. within permitted time”.
Details of fee payment particulars for Full Time / External Research Programmes and evaluation procedure can be known from the Director, R & D Cell, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
Application complete in all respects (in A4 size) accompanied with a Demand Draft for Full Time / External Research Programmes is Rs. 1,000/- (in case of SC/ST candidates Rs. 500/- for Full Time Research Programme) drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, JNTUH, HYDERABAD” payable at Hyderabad on any nationalized bank as Application Registration fee and five(5) self addressed stamped envelopes of size 22 x 10 cms. (affixing Rs. 5.00 stamps), is to be submitted to “The Director, Admissions, JNT University Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 085” either in person or by Registered post / Courier on or before 30th April, 2010 by 4. pm.
The University is not responsible for delay or loss of application in transit.
Incomplete applications or applications received after the last date will not be considered and fee paid will not be refunded.
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