Applications in the prescribed form are invited for admission to the following courses for August 2010 session :
1. MSc
1. M.Sc. Courses :- a) Duration : 2 academic years, b) Date of Entrance Examination : 10th July, 2010 (Saturday) in Delhi only.
2. M.Biotechnology :- a) Duration : 2 academic years, b) Date of Entrance Examination : 17th July, 2010 (Saturday) in Delhi only.
3. M.Sc. Nursing :- a) Duration : 2 academic years, b) Date of Entrance Examination : 27th June, 2010 (Sunday) in Delhi only.
4. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing (60 seats) :- a) Duration : 4 academic years, b) Date of Entrance Examination : 13th June, 2010 (Sunday) in Delhi andThiruvananthapuram.
5. B.Sc. (Hons.) Para-Medical Courses:- i) B.Sc. (Hons.) Ophthalmic Techniques – 14 Seats ii) B.Sc. (Hons.) Medical Technology in Radiography – 8 Seats (+1 seat for AIIMS departmental candidate) a) Duration : 3 academic years, b) Date of Entrance Examination: 5th June, 2010 (Saturday) in Delhi only.
6. B.Sc. Nursing (Post-Certificate): [14 seats + 10 seats for AIIMS departmental candidates] – a) Duration : 2 academic years, b) Date of Entrance Examination: 19th June, 2010 (Saturday) in Delhi only. The following seats are reserved for Foreign Nationals :
M.Sc. 02
M. Biotechnology 01
M.Sc. Nursing 01
B.Sc. (Hons) Nursing 05
B.Sc. (Hons) Ophth. Techniques 01
B.Sc. (Hons) Medical Technology in Radiography 01
The eligibility criteria for foreign students will be at par with the eligibility criteria as specified for Indian Nationals. However, foreign national candidates are exempted from appearing in the entrance examination. Their admission will be made on the basis of marks/grades secured by them in the qualifying examination. The foreign national candidates are also required to fill in the application form prescribed by the Institute for this purpose. The application form should be routed through Diplomatic Channel. Application received directly will NOT be entertained. For more details, they may please go through the instructions available on AIIMS website.
M.Sc. Course in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Pharmacology & Physiology:- The candidate must possess a degree of M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. and have secured atleast 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) or B.V.Sc/B.Pharma or B.Sc. degree course (3 years) or Bachelor of Physio-therapy (41/2 years course) with at least 60% marks (55% for SC/ST candidates). M.Sc. Perfusion Technology and M.Sc. Nuclear Medicine Technology:-i)
M.Sc. Perfusion Technology :- B.Sc. with Biology (Botany and or Zoology) or B.Sc. in Perfusion Technology from a recognised University with at least 60% marks (55% for SC/ST Candidates).
M.Sc. Nuclear Medicine Technology:- B.Sc. in Nuclear Medicine or B.Sc. with Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics or B.Sc. in allied related subject i.e. Radio-diagnosis (MRT), Radiotherapy or B.Sc. in Life Sciences with Physics as a main subject from a recognised University with at least 60% marks (55% for SC/ST Candidates). M.Biotechnology :- The candidate must possess a degree of M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. and have secured atleast 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) or B.V.Sc. / B.Pharma or B.Sc. degree course (3 years) with at least 60% marks (55% for SC/ST candidates).
4. M.Sc. Nursing:- B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing / B.Sc. Nursing (Post-Certificate) / Post Basic / B.Sc. Nursing (4 years) course from an educational
Institution/University recognised by the Indian Nursing Council. Candidate must have secured at least 60% marks (55% for SC/ST candidates)
in the qualifying examination and is registered as Nurse/Midwife with Nursing Council of India or any State Nurses Registration Council.
Institution/University recognised by the Indian Nursing Council. Candidate must have secured at least 60% marks (55% for SC/ST candidates)
in the qualifying examination and is registered as Nurse/Midwife with Nursing Council of India or any State Nurses Registration Council.
N.B.: A candidate is not allowed to submit more than one application for M.Sc. Courses.
5. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing :- The candidate must have passed 12th class under 10+2 system or an equivalent examination with Physics,
Chemistry, Biology and English securing not less than 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST candidates) in aggregate in these subjects. Only
female candidates are eligible.
B.Sc. (Hons.) Para-Medical Courses :- The candidate must have passed 12th class under 10+2 system or an equivalent examination with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Mathematics securing not less than 50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST) in aggregate in these subjects.
Chemistry, Biology and English securing not less than 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST candidates) in aggregate in these subjects. Only
female candidates are eligible.
B.Sc. (Hons.) Para-Medical Courses :- The candidate must have passed 12th class under 10+2 system or an equivalent examination with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Mathematics securing not less than 50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST) in aggregate in these subjects.
B.Sc. Nursing (Post-Certificate):- The candidate must have A) Passed higher secondary or senior secondary or intermediate (10+2) examination or an equivalent examination of a recognized board/university (those who have passed 10+1 on or before 1986 are also eligible to apply). B) Obtained a certificate in General Nursing and Midwifery and to be an “A” Grade Nurse registered with Nursing Council of India or any State Nurses Registration Council. In case of Male nurse, instead of training in Midwifery, training for a period of three months each in any two out of the following subjects is necessary: (i) Venereal Disease Nursing, (ii) Tuberculosis Nursing, (iii) Ophthalmic Nursing, (iv) Psychiatric Nursing and (v) Operation Theatre Techniques. C) Worked for at least 3 years as a staff Nurse in a recognized hospital or in Public Health Nursing field after obtaining the above mentioned certificates. NOTE: Candidates who are to appear in 12th class examination under 10+2 system or an equivalent examination in March/April 2010 and whose result are likely to be declared before 1 st July, 2010 are also eligible to apply for B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing and B.Sc. (Hons.) Para-Medical courses. MINIMUM AGE : The candidate should have attained the age of 17 (seventeen) years as on 31st December, 2010. PROSPECTUS-CUM-APPLICATIQN FORM :- There is a common instructions and Application Form for all the courses mentioned above (Only one application has to be submitted for the two Para-Medical courses). The Application fee is Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 800/- in case of SC/ST candidates) inclusive of examination fee.
A) On-line – Acandidates can submit application On-Line through Internet at www.aiimsexams.org and carefully follow the instructions given therein. The candidate can pay the application fee through a credit card/debit card or through DD drawn in the favour of AO (Exam), AIIMS payable at New Delhi or through challan of State Bank of India. Transaction Processing Fee at the following rates will be payable to the Bank (Only for On-line Applications).
Amex Credit Card, Diners Credit Card
Visa & MasterCard, Credit/Debit Cards and Net Banking
On Cash through Challan at any Branch of State Bank of India Rs. 25/- (or as applicable)
B) Off-line : The Prospectus-cum-Application Form can also be obtained personally against D.D of Rs.1000/- (800/- for SC/ST) from the Reception of Examination Section. AIIMS. New Delhi -110 608. The Demand Draft should be prepared in favour of Accounts Officer (Exams), AIIMS payable at New Delhi.
C) The Prospectus cum application form can also be obtain by Speed Post/Registered Post by sending a written request with an account payee Bank Demand Draft of Rs.1050/- (Rs.850/- for SC/ST candidates) in favour of ACCOUNTS OFFICER (EXAMS). AIIMS payable at New Delhi. The Bank Draft should be valid up to July/August 2010. The name of the course applied for must be written on reverse of the Demand Draft alongwith candidate’s name. The request must reach the Assistant Controller of Examinations, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi -110 608 on or before 30th April, 2010. Money Order/Cheque/Postal Order/Cash or any other form of payment will NOT be accepted for postal sale. The words “REQUEST FOR APPLICATION FORM FOR M.Sc/B.Sc COURSES ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2010? should be written on the envelope containing request for application form, and also on top of the request letter. The address at which Application Form is required should be written clearly in CAPITAL LETTERS with PIN code. AIIMS will not be responsible for delay in/non-receipt of Application Form caused by illegible or incomplete address.
2. Last Date for applying On-line Application…………………30.04.2010
3. Last Date for receipt of hard copy of On-line application / Offline form……04.05.2010
NOTE : 1. Those making payment through Challan Form must submit Counter Foil of challan form meant for AIIMS in original alongwith hard copy of Application Form failing which application form will not be considered and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. 2. After the last date, Hard Copy of the application received by courier or by any other means will not be accepted, irrespective of the date of booking.
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