1. GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1. ADMINISTRATIVE INSTITUTES…………............................................................................................................ 2
1.2. GPAT QUALIFICATION……………................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. ELIGIBILITY ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4. EXAMINATION SCHEDULE AND CITIES........................................................................................................... 2
1.5. APPLICATION SUBMISSION PROCESS.............................................................................................................. 2
1.6. OTHER INFORMATION…………………………………………………………………………………….... 3
2. POSTGRADUATE ADMISSIONS WITH MHRD SCHOLARSHIP ........................................................
3. STRUCTURE OF GPAT - 2010 ……….. ..................................................................................................... 3
3.1. EXAMINATION TYPE...................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2. GPAT RESULTS AND SCORECARD……………................................................................................................. 4
3.2.1. GPAT RESULTS…………….…………………………………………………………………………... ..4
3.2.2. GPAT SCORECARD …………….................................................................................................................4
4.1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
4.2.1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................4
4.2.2. ITEMWISE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING APPLICATION FORM ....................................................................5
4.2.3. FILLING OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CARD..................................................................................................7
4.3. AUTHORITIES EMPOWERED TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES.......................................................................................7
4.3.1. SC/ST CATEGORY ……………………………………………………………….………………..…...7
4.3.2. PD CATEGORY …………………………………………………………………………………….…...7
4.3.3. OBC (NON CREAMY LAYER)……………………………………………………...………………….…7
4.4. FILLING AND SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION ENVELOPE .................................................................................7
ANNEXURE – I : SYLLABI FOR GPAT PAPER…………............................................................................10
ANNEXURE – II: CODES FOR FILLING GPAT APPLICATION FORM………….................................12
A. CODES FOR EXAMINATION CITIES.......................................................................................................12
1. General Information
Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT - 2010) is an all India examination conducted by The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara on behalf of All India Council for Technical Education.
1.1. Administrative Institute
The M S University of Baroda, is the sole authority for conducting the examination and declaring the results for the year 2010.
1.2. GPAT Qualification
Admission to postgraduate programmes with MHRD and other government scholarships/assistantships in pharmacy colleges/institutes is open to those who qualify through GPAT. GPAT qualified candidates with Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy are eligible for admission to Master/Doctoral program in Pharmacy. To avail the scholarship, the candidate must secure admission to such a postgraduate programme, as per the prevailing procedure of the admitting institution. However, candidates with Master’s degree in Pharmacy may seek admission to relevant PhD programmes with scholarship/assistantship without appearing in the GPAT examination.
Some institutions specify GPAT qualification as mandatory even for admission of self-financing students to postgraduate programmes.GPAT qualified candidates are also eligible for the award of Junior Research Fellowship in CSIR Laboratories and CSIR sponsored projects.
1.3. Eligibility
The following candidates are eligible to appear for GPAT:
Bachelor’s degree holders in Pharmacy (4 years after 10+2) and those who are in the final year
1.4. Examination Schedule and Cities
GPAT - 2010 Examination is as per the following details:
Issue of application forms and information brochures at designated Bank of Baroda counters or by post from The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara | 18th January - 2010 (Monday) |
Last date for receipt of requests at The M S University of Baroda, for issue of application material by post / at Bank counters | 20th February - 2010 (Monday) |
Last date for receipt of completed OMR Application form along with Pay-in - slip and Demand Draft at the organizing institute The M S University of Baroda. | 18th March - 2010 (Monday) |
Date of GPAT – 2010 | 2nd May - 2010 (Sunday) |
Announcement of the results of GPAT-2010 | At 17.00 Hrs On 24th May - 2010 (Monday) |
GPAT Examination: Examination will be similar to that of GATE Examination of the previous years, where the candidate will mark the correct answer out of four options in an Optical Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate bubble.
1.5. Application Submission Process
The application fee is Rs. 1000 for General/OBC Category candidates and Rs. 500 for SC/ST/PD* Category candidates. The application fee is non-refundable.
*Person with Disability
1.6. Other Information
a) Candidates can appear in the examination only against valid admit cards. If they do not receive the same by 12th April 2010 (Monday), they should contact the Co-ordinator, GPAT, The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara.
b) The M S University of Baroda, has the authority to decide the qualifying score for the paper. In case any claim or dispute arises in respect of GPAT 2010, it is hereby made absolutely clear that the Courts and Tribunals in Vadodara and Vadodara alone shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to entertain and settle any such dispute or claim.
For information, announcements and results, visit the website listed below.
The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara http://www.msubaroda.ac.in/, www. GPAT???
2. Postgraduate admissions with MHRD scholarship
2.1. As per the directives of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, the following procedure is to be adopted for admission to postgraduate programmes (Master and Doctoral) with MHRD scholarship/assistantship. The GPAT performance of the candidate will be considered for admission. If the candidate is to be selected through interview for post graduate programmes, minimum 70% weightage is to be given to the GPAT performance. The remaining weightage (30% maximum) can be given to the candidate’s academic record/performance in interview. The admitting institution will prescribe minimum passing percentage of marks in the interview. Some colleges/institutes specify GPAT qualification as the mandatory requirement even for admission without MHRD scholarship/assistantship.
2.2. Candidates are advised to seek details of admission procedures and availability of MHRD scholarship/assistantship from the concerned admitting institution. The criteria for post graduate admission with scholarship/assistantship are different for different admitting institutions. GPAT office will not entertain any enquiry about admission and award of scholarship/assistantship.
2.3. It is the responsibility of the admitting institution to award the MHRD scholarship/assistantship to only those candidates who are GPAT qualified. The management of the postgraduate scholarship/assistantship is also the responsibility of the admitting institution. The M S University of Baroda has no role in the award or disbursement of scholarship/assistantship. Reservation of seats under different categories is as per the policies and norms prevailing at the admitting institution and Government of India rules.
2.4. A candidate declared “GPAT qualified at the time of admission” is entitled for MHRD fellowship for 24 months unless he/she looses it due to poor performance in the registered programme.
3. Structure of GPAT 2010
3.1. Examination Type
The GPAT examination consists of a single paper of 3 hours duration, which contains 100 questions carrying a maximum of 100 marks. The question paper will consist of only multiple choice objective questions. Each question will have four choices for the answer. The candidates will have to mark the correct choice on an Optical Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate bubble against each question. There will be negative marking for each wrong answer that is 1/3 (one-third) mark will be deducted.
3.2. GPAT Results and Scorecard
3.2.1. GPAT Results
a. GPAT 2010 results will be announced on May 24th 2010 17:00 hrs at GPAT office. The results will also be available on the website, as listed in Section 1.6.
b. GPAT 2010 score is valid for ONE YEAR from the date of announcement of the results.
c. The machine-gradable Optical Response Sheets (ORS) are graded and scrutinized with extreme care. There is no provision for regrading and retotalling. No photocopies of the machine-gradable Optical Response Sheets (ORS) will be made available. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
3.2.2. GPAT Scorecard
GPAT scorecard will be made available in the website at an appropriate time. Qualified candidates will get one printed score card.
4. Instructions for filling and submission of Application Form
4.1. Important Information
a) Before you start filling the Application Form, please check that the Application Number printed on (i) Application Form, (ii) Acknowledgement Card and (iii) Envelope are the same. Any discrepancy should be brought to the notice of the Co-ordinator, GPAT.
b) It is essential to quote the Application Number in all future correspondence. The candidates are advised to keep a copy of the filled Application Form.
c) The Application Form must be folded only along the original fold line. Nothing should be stapled or pinned to it. The Barcode on the Application Form should not be tampered. The Application Form will be declared defective if these instructions are not followed.
d) Change of Examination City is permitted, only if a request for the same reaches the Co-ordinator, GPAT, on or before March 15th , 2010 , along with Demand Draft of Rs. 400/- as fee for change of Examination City .
NOTE: Incomplete or defective applications will be rejected outright.
4.2. Instructions for filling Application Form and Acknowledgement Card
4.2.1. General
a) The instructions given below for filling the Application Form must be followed meticulously. Refer to the Sample Application Form at the end of this section.
b) For Items 1, 6, 7, 8 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, the candidate must write the required information in ink with black ball point pen in the boxes provided and then darken the appropriate bubble(s), using dark HB pencil only. In case of any discrepancy in the marked bubble and the corresponding boxes, the information provided through the bubble(s) will be taken as final. The text boxes are provided only for guidance.
c) For Items 1 to 13, the candidate must provide information by filling the appropriate bubble(s) using dark HB pencil only.
d) Darken the appropriate bubble(s) by filling it completely. For correcting any entry, completely erase the previous mark using a soft eraserand remove all smudges before re-filling.
e) Only BLACK BALL POINT PEN must be used for filling Items 14 to 20.
4.2.2. Itemwise Instructions for filling Application Form
Item 1: Name of the Candidate as in 10th Class Certificate
Fill in your name in CAPITAL LETTERS as recorded in the High School (Class 10th) certificate by your Board/ University/Institute and darken the appropriate bubbles. Your name in the GPAT scorecard will appear exactly as filled in the Application Form. In case of any change in the name/surname at any stage has to be duly supported by a proper affidavit.
NOTE: In case, your name has more than 30 characters (including blanks), abbreviate it suitably to accommodate within the space provided. For example, the name RAMAKRISNA VELLURAO VENKATESH KUMAR AYYAR can be abbreviated as,
R | A | M | A | K | R | I | S | N | A | V | V | E | N | K | A | T | E | S | H | K | A | Y | Y | A | R |
Item 2: Nationality
Darken the appropriate bubble:
Item 3: Gender
Darken the appropriate bubble, MALE or FEMALE.
Item 4: Category
Darken the appropriate bubble:
SC : Scheduled Caste, ST: Scheduled Tribe, OBC: Other Backward Class (non creamy layer), GN: All others
NOTE: Candidate claiming concession for buying Application Form under SC and ST categories must attach a recently obtained and duly attested copy of Caste Certificate, issued by a competent authority (see section 4.3). If the Caste Certificate is found improper, the application will be rejected
Item 5: Person with Disability (PD)
Darken the appropriate bubble YES or NO
NOTE: PD candidate claiming concession for buying Application Form must attach an attested copy of Disability Certificate issued by appropriate medical authority. Applications with improper Disability Certificate will be rejected. If any PD candidate requires the services of an Amanuensis, he/she must attach a request for this with the Application Form.
Item 6: Date of Birth
Fill in your date of birth as given in your High School (Class 10th) certificate in the space provided and darken the appropriate bubbles.
Example: If the date of birth is 16th September 1988 , fill in as,
Date | Month | Year | |||
1 | 6 | 0 | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Item 7: Choice of Examination Cities
Fill in your choice of two Examination Cities in order of preference as 1st choice and 2nd choice, and darken the appropriate bubbles.
Refer to Annexure II-A, which lists the cities where GPAT 2010 will be conducted and the corresponding three digit CODES.
Item 8: Year of Degree
Fill in the Year of passing / appearing in the qualifying degree examination and darken the appropriate bubbles.
Item 9: Photograph
Paste your recent passport size clear front facial high contrast colour photograph (Size: 3 cm width x 4 cm height) in the box provided. Ensure that the application number is written at the back side of the photograph before it is pasted within the box. Please use good quality adhesive/glue, so that it does not get detached from the Application Form. The photograph should not be stapled. The photograph will be scanned and the scanned image will appear on the admit card as well as the scorecard. The photograph should NOT be attested or signed by anyone.
Item 10: Address for Correspondence
Write your postal address in CAPITAL LETTERS within the box using only black ball point pen. The address should be legible and should include the NAME of the candidate, PINCODE and E mail.
NOTE: Scanned copy of this address will be used directly in all correspondence including mailing of ADMIT CARD and SCORECARD.
Item 11: Full Signature of the Candidate
Sign in full within the box provided, using only black ball point pen. The form must be signed only by the candidate and not by any other person. Signature in the form of initials is not permitted. This signature will be scanned and put on the Admit Card as well as the Scorecard.
NOTE: If the candidate’s signature on the Optical Response Sheet (ORS), at the time of the examination, does not match with the signature on the Admit Card, the candidate will be disqualified.
Item 12: Name of Parent/Guardian
Fill in the name of your mother, father/guardian in CAPITAL LETTERS in the space provided and darken the appropriate bubbles.
Item 13: Relationship of Parent/Guardian to the candidate
Darken the appropriate bubble father/mother/guardian
Item 14: Bank/GPAT Office Pay-in-slip number
Fill in the bank/GPAT Office Pay-in-slip number and darken the appropriate bubbles.
Item 15: Details of the Demand Draft enclosed
Fill in the Demand Draft number, date of Demand Draft and darken the appropriate bubbles.
Item 16: Landline Phone with STD Code
Fill in landline number with the STD code including the leading 0, at which you can be contacted. Darken the appropriate bubbles.
Item 17: Mobile Phone with Code
Fill in mobile phone number including the leading 0, at which you can be contacted. Darken the appropriate bubbles.
Item 18: Declaration by the Candidate
Read and sign the declaration using only black ball point pen, and write the Place and Date. The signature must be identical to that in Item 11.
Item 19: Check List
Fill up items in the Check List by ticking in the appropriate boxes.
Item 20: List of Enclosures
Tick YES for the attachments enclosed with the Application Form, otherwise, tick NO.
4.2.3. Filling of Acknowledgement Card
Fill in the Acknowledgement Card with all the required details and enclose it with the Application Form.
4.3. Authorities empowered to issue Certificates
4.3.1. SC/ST Category
a) District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ City Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluk Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner
b) Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate
c) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tashildar
d) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the Candidate and/or her/his family normally resides
e) Administrator/ Secretary to Administrator/ Development Officer (Lakshadweep Islands ) Certificate issued by any other official will not be accepted.
4.3.2. PD Category
In order to avail concession under PD category, the candidates should ensure themselves that they have attached recently obtained proper PD certificate, which shall be required to be submitted to the admitting institution at the time of admission. The onus of verifying PD certificate lies with the admitting institute. The GPAT committee will not be responsible for any incorrect declaration of his/her PD status.
4.3.3. OBC (non creamy layer)
In order to avail concession under OBC (non creamy layer) category, the candidates should ensure themselves that they have obtained proper OBC (non creamy layer) certificate, which shall be required to be submitted to the admitting institution at the time of admission. The onus of verifying OBC (non creamy layer) certificate lies with the admitting institute. The GPAT committee will not be responsible for any incorrect declaration of his/her category.
4.4. Filling and Submission of Application Envelope
On the application envelope, fill in the CODE of the examination city corresponding to your first choice (Item No. 7 of Application Form).
Write your postal address in the designated space. The envelope should be addressed to the Co-ordinator, GPAT corresponding to the 1stChoice of Examination City of the candidate.
Completed Application Form must reach the Co-ordinator, GPAT before Monday, 1st March 2010 , by Registered/Speed Post only. It may also be submitted in person at the GPAT office counter.
Before filling up this form read the instruction in the Information Brochure
1. Name of the Candidate as in 10th class certificate (in capital letters)
2. Nationality
3. Gender
4. Category
5. Person with Disability
6. Date of birth
7. Choice of Examination Cities
8. Year of Degree
9. Photograph
10. Address for Correspondence
(Write with BLACK BALL POINT PEN in Capital Letters)
Name: |
Address: |
11. Full signature of the Candidate (with BLACK BALL POINT PEN only)
12. Name of Parent/Guardian (in capital letters)
13. Relationship of Parent/Guardian to the Candidate
14. Bank/GPAT Office Pay-in-slip number
15. Details of Demand Draft enclosed
16. Landline Phone with STD Code
17. Mobile Phone with Code
18. Declaration by the Candidate
I hereby declare that all the particulars stated in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the Information Brochure and I shall abide the terms and conditions therein. In the event of suppression or distortion of any fact in my application form, I understand that I will be denied the opportunity to appear in PHARMA-GAT 2010. Further, if any such suppression or distortion of facts is found after appearing in the examination, any admission/degree acquired on the basis of PHARMA-GAT 2010 score is liable to be cancelled.
Place: Signature of the Candidate
19. Checklist
Yes No
a. Filled in all the items 1-18 completely?
b. Written (with black ball point pen) the address for correspondence under item 10?
c. Pasted a recent photograph in the box under item 9?
d. Signed (with black ball point pen) in the box under item 11?
e. Signed (with black ball point pen) in the box under item 18?
f. Fill in the code of first choice of examination city on application envelope?
g. Kept a photocopy of the filled application form for your own records?
20. List of enclosures
Yes No N/A
a. Original Bank Pay-in Slip / Receipt from GPAT office
b. Attested copy of SC/ST Certificate (if applicable)
c. Attested copy of PD Certificate (if applicable)
d. In case of PD candidate, requested for Amanuensis (if applicable)
e. Attested copy of the affidavit for Change of Name/Surname (if applicable)
f. Duly completed and stamped Acknowledgement Card
ANNEXURE – I: Syllabi for GPAT Paper
Natural Products: Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry � Chemistry, tests, isolation, characterization and estimation of phytopharmaceuticals belonging to the group of Alkaloids, Glycosides, Terpenoids, Steroids, Bioflavanoids, Purines, Guggul lipids. Pharmacognosy of crude drugs that contain the above constituents. Standardization of raw materials and herbal products. WHO guidelines. Quantitative microscopy including modern techniques used for evaluation. Biotechnological principles and techniques for plant development, Tissue culture.
Pharmacology: General pharmacological principles including Toxicology. Drug interaction. Pharmacology of drugs acting on Central nervous system, Cardiovascular system, Autonomic nervous system, Gastro intestinal system and Respiratory system. Pharmacology of Autocoids, Hormones, Hormone antagonists, chemotherapeutic agents including anticancer drugs. Bioassays, Immuno Pharmacology. Drugs acting on the blood & blood forming organs. Drugs acting on the renal system.
Medicinal Chemistry: Structure, nomenclature, classification, synthesis, SAR and metabolism of the following category of drugs, which are official in Indian Pharmacopoeia and British Pharmacopoeia. Introduction to drug design. Stereochemistry of drug molecules. Hypnotics and Sedatives, Analgesics, NSAIDS, Neuroleptics, Antidepressants, Anxiolytics, Anticonvulsants, Antihistaminics, Local Anaesthetics, Cardio Vascular drugs � Antianginal agents Vasodilators, Adrenergic & Cholinergic drugs, Cardiotonic agents, Diuretics, Antijypertensive drugs, Hypoglycemic agents, Antilipedmic agents, Coagulants, Anticoagulants, Antiplatelet agents. Chemotherapeutic agents � Antibiotics, Antibacterials, Sulphadrugs. Antiproliozoal drugs, Antiviral, Antitubercular, Antimalarial, Anticancer, Antiamoebic drugs. Diagnostic agents. Preparation and storage and uses of official Radiopharmaceuticals, Vitamins and Hormones. Eicosonoids and their application.
Pharmaceutics : Development, manufacturing standards Q.C. limits, labeling, as per the pharmacopoeal requirements. Storage of different dosage forms and new drug delivery systems. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics and their importance in formulation. Formulation and preparation of cosmetics � lipstick, shampoo, creams, nail preparations and dentifrices. Pharmaceutical calculations.
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence: Drugs and cosmetics Act and rules with respect to manufacture, sales and storage. Pharmacy Act. Pharmaceutical ethics.
Pharmaceutical Analysis: Principles, instrumentation and applications of the following: Absorption spectroscopy (UV, visible & IR). Fluorimetry, Flame photometry, Potentiometry. Conductometry and Plarography. Pharmacopoeial assays. Principles of NMR, ESR, Mass spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction analysis and different chromatographic methods.
Biochemistry. Biochemical role of hormones, Vitamins, Enzymes, Nucleic acids, Bioenergetics. General principles of immunology. Immunological. Metabolism of carbohydrate, lipids, proteins. Methods to determine, kidney & liver function. Lipid profiles.
Microbiology : Principles and methods of microbio0logical assays of the Pharmacopoeia. Methods of preparation of official sera and vaccines. Serological and diagnostics tests. Applications of microorganisms in Bio Conversions and in Pharmaceutical industry.
Clinical Pharmacy : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Dosage regimen in Pregnancy and Lactation, Pediatrics and Geriatrics. Renal and hepatic impairment. Drug � Drug interactions and Drug � food interactions, Adverse Drug reactions. Medication History, interview and Patient counseling.
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