Registration with the Society is governed by the procedures set out in the Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians Order 2007, and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (Registration) Rules 2007.
For the Order and the Rules, click here
Under article 11 of the Order, before an applicant can be registered with the Society, he must satisfy the Registrar that he has the appropriate qualifications, training and experience required for registration, and that his fitness to practise is not impaired. This includes a requirement to satisfy the Registrar that the applicant is in good health and of good character.
The different routes to the Register are set out in a flowchart and described below:
1. European pharmacists
Nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) possessing a European pharmacy qualification and who wish to apply to join the Register must first download the Society's information pack and provide the information requested. For a copy of the information pack click on the link below:
For important information on the new application fee, click on the link belowFor contact details for the EEA competent authorities, click on the link below:
For information on English language competence, click on the link below:
For information for potential employers of EEA pharmacists, click on the link below:
After receiving and verifying the information requested, the Society will send them an appropriate application for registration form.
2. Overseas pharmacists
Please note that persons who hold qualifications obtained outside the EEA, or non-EEA nationals who hold European pharmacy qualifications (other than a UK pharmacy qualification), are not entitled to apply for registration with the Society, unless they have first:
- (a) completed an Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme (OSPAP);
- (b) subsequently completed preregistration training approved by the Society; and
- (c) subsequently passed the registration examination set by the Society.
For information about how to apply to join an Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme, click here
For information about preregistration training, click here
For information about the Society's registration examination, click here
3. Northern Ireland pharmacists
For details of the application procedure for pharmacists who have obtained a qualification from Northern Ireland, please click on the link below:
Tel: 020 7572 2317
Fax: 020 7572 2510

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